What happened? Like some investors in the Beansprout Telegram community, I was surprised by the result of the latest T-bill auction. The cut off yield for the 6-month Singapore T-bill (BS25105T)…
New 6-Month Singapore T-Bill Yield in Mid-March 2025 Should Fall to 2.70% (for the Singaporean Savers)
A Singapore Treasury Bill issue (BS25105T) will be auctioned on Thursday, 13th March 2025. If you wish to subscribe successfully, you must place your order via Internet banking (Cash, SRS,…
Here is a safe way for Singaporeans to save money that you have no idea when will need to use or for your emergency fund. The 10-yr and 1-yr Singapore…
Earlier this week, we saw the yield on the 6-month Singapore T-bill falling to 2.9%. I also noticed that banks have lowered their fixed deposit rates this month, with the…
New 6-Month Singapore T-Bill Yield in Mid-February 2025 Should Fall to 2.95% (for the Singaporean Savers)
A Singapore Treasury Bill issue (BS25103S) will be auctioned on Thursday, 13th February 2025. If you wish to subscribe successfully, you must place your order via Internet banking (Cash, SRS,…
Here is a safe way for Singaporeans to save money that you have no idea when will need to use or for your emergency fund. The 10-yr and 1-yr Singapore…
New 6-Month Singapore T-Bill Yield in Late-January 2025 Should Increase Slightly to 3.02% (for the Singaporean Savers)
A Singapore Treasury Bill issue (BS25102Z) will be auctioned on Tuesday, 28th January 2025. If you wish to subscribe successfully, you must place your order via Internet banking (Cash, SRS,…
Here is a safe way to save money you have no idea when you will need to use or your emergency fund. The 10-yr and 1-yr Singapore Savings Bonds rates…